Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I'm taking my first vacation of the season, just a few weeks into it. I'm headed to New Orleans tomorrow morning for three days of music, sun, and hard livin'. Two years ago when I made the same trip, the Mets were already mired in last place, and it was a nice break. Not so this time around, when they're showing significantly more spark. A quick rematch of Heilman/Beckett and Martinez/Leiter followed by three against the Nats at Shea. (Here's betting I have a better chance of catching some Nationals action on the tube in Louisiana than in DC.)

7-7, one game out, technically in last place. I want to have double-digit wins by the time I return. You hear me??? (Just in case my harassment worked last night.)

Rob, man the fort until the end of the weekend. With the O's and D-Rays on the slate for the Sox, you should have plenty of incentive to recap.

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